Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Riley Surface World assists Irish sheet metal company with its expansion into paint and powder coating

McAree Engineering is one of Ireland’s leading outsource sheet metal fabrication companies based near the picturesque village of Ballinode in North Monaghan.

Founded in 1946, the company has built a solid reputation for quality service backed up by state of the art production facilities. Services include laser cutting, folding, punching and fabrication and the company has achieved ISO 9001 quality accreditation.

McAree Engineering has recently introduced spray painting and powder coating to its production processes. This is in order to expand the business into production of finished or part-finished components as well as sheet metal production.

Having achieved ICOR accreditation for paint finishing, the company decided to invest in a state-of-the-art shot blasting, spray painting and spray baking facility from Riley Surface World. The equipment selected had all been declared surplus to requirements by a UK- based utility vehicle manufacturer.

After taking advice from the Riley Surface World technical support team, McAree purchased a 7 x 7 x 4 metre Hodge Clemco shot blast room with large, fixed shot blast machine, media recovery system, Nederman reverse pulse dust collection and all modern safety devices built-in. The system will be used for priming and pre-finishing of the metals prior to painting or powder coating.

For paint application and curing, the company selected a purpose built, Spraybake 4 x 7 x 5 metres spray/bake room with thermostatically controlled gas heating, fan-assisted air handling, floor-mounted extraction system and ample fluorescent lighting for a high quality paint finish combined with minimum wastage and maximum operator safety.

Finally, McAree acquired a large paint storage and mixing room with all necessary ventilation, product security and fire prevention facilities built-in.

The equipment is to be commissioned in McAree’s new purpose-designed paint and powder coating building alongside their existing factory in Ballinode. Once fully operational, the new facility will provide extra services to existing sheet metal customers, as well as attracting new sub-contract projects from Ireland, the UK and the rest of Europe.

According to project manager, Vincent McAree, the company enjoyed excellent value for money by purchasing such high quality, pre-owned equipment from Riley Surface World. He was also impressed by the first-class customer service shown by the Riley support team in enabling the purchase and transfer of the items from the UK to Ireland and is confident that the investment made will pay dividends in potential new business to be won in the near future.

For further information, visit:

Riley Surface World to exhibit at Surface Technology, Hannover Fair, 2015

I am pleased to announce that in April 2015, Riley Surface World will be exhibiting at the Surface Technology 2015 trade show, part of the massive Hannover Fair in Germany.

Surface Technology is the leading European exhibition in our industry, and one of the top five surface finishing trade shows in the world. My colleagues and I have visited the event several times in the last few years, but only now do we feel confident enough to participate.

There are a number of reasons why I feel that it is a good time for our company, and indeed other British companies, to be throwing our hats into the ring at this major exhibition.

The first one concerns the globalisation of manufacturing and the effect this has had on our particular products, services and processes. As well as being the primary show in Europe, Surface Technology also hosts visitors from China, India, South East Asia and the Middle East. In other words, the fastest growing economies that are brimming over with opportunities for companies like ours.

Secondly, the dynamic nature of our industry dictates that we need to be looking further afield to promote ourselves. All across the world, companies in the aerospace, automotive, general engineering and consumer goods industries are undergoing continual restructuring, both for internal company and external market reasons.

It is this constant change that throws up opportunities almost on a daily basis. This means that the lifespan of a typical surface finishing plant or individual item of machinery is, on average, considerably less than in the previous century. This in turn releases on to the global market facilities that are in excellent working condition and ideal for relocation elsewhere.

We recently had the task of relocating a large rack electroplating line from a costume jewellery manufacturer in Ireland to a musical instrument maker in Nova Scotia, Canada. Conversely, a complete pre-treatment and powder coating plant was recently acquired, with our help, by an Irish sheet metal company from a UK utility vehicle manufacturer, so the volatility works both ways!

We are currently engaged in a number of plant disposals for multi-national organisations in Sweden, with interest coming from all parts of Europe as well as further afield. In the case of modern manufacturing, globalisation recognises no national borders or artificial barriers when it comes to doing business.

So by setting out our stall at Surface Technology 2015, our message to manufacturers and sub-contractors, wherever they may be is to partner with us. We can place their surplus machinery on the best platform that there is, and in front of a relevant, educated and fully international audience.

As a counterpoint to this argument, some may say that the downturn in the Eurozone economy would suggest a period of stagnation for manufacturers and resellers of surface finishing plant and equipment.

However, in our experience, it is precisely these fluctuations in the economic cycle that present new opportunities. Investment in new equipment can be replaced by a preference for pre-owned or reconditioned, with obvious cost advantages. The booming remanufacturing sector has a constant need for this kind of machinery and many companies wish to enhance their green credentials by acquiring and operating recycled and refurbished equipment.

Whichever way you spin the dice, an event like Surface Technology is not to be missed. It takes place at the Hannover Fair, Germany from April 13 – 17, 2015. We will certainly be there, how about you?